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This week have we have spotlighted aether the 40 song, 4 album set from HUMANWINE.

It is rare that we are blessed with such a powerful artistic masterwork. Contrary to our short instant fulfilment lifestyle, each album, which represents one of the four classical elements, should be listened to straight through.

We have violated this tenant this week with a song from each element.

Today is air.

“White Lead” from aether: aer.


In the era of the song, HUMANWINE, the dynamic Boston/New England duo, have released aether, a 4 album set!

Holly Brewer, the iconoclastic gregarious tribal-tattooed ethereal singer/songwriter, has one of those voices descended from the heavens in the company of Lisa Gerrard, Elizabeth Fraser and Bjork.

The reclusive M@ McNiss provides the accompaniment.

Self-produced and crowdfunded, aether is nothing short of a small masterpiece.

Released on a flash drive in a small bottle, the 40 songs are divided into four parts, four elements: terra, aqua, aer, ignis.

Although each element should be heard in its entirety, we will present 1 song from each album the next 4 days.

Beginning today with “Gyre” from aether: aqua.


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