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Bon Iver

Peter Gabriel and Arcade Fire

In 2010 Peter Gabriel recorded an album entitled Scratch My Back.

It consisted of gorgeous cover versions of songs by artists that he admires, including Lou Reed, Bon Iver, Regina Spektor, Radiohead, David Bowie, Talking Heads and Arcade Fire.

Many of these same artists have returned the favor by recording his songs on the album And I’ll Scratch Yours.

Listen here to Peter Gabriel’s version of Arcades Fires’ “My Body is a Cage” and then Arcades Fire performing Gabriel’s “Games Without Frontiers”.

“My Body is a Cage”

“Games Without Frontiers”

Volcano Choir

Volcano Choir is another project of Justin Vernon of Bon Iver fame.

Collaborating once again with members and former members of the Milwaukee instrumental band Collections of Colonies of Bees, the 2nd album Repave is due in September.

“Byegone” is our first taste.


Last year the indie band from Minneapolis, Poliça, gave us a gorgeous debut with Give You the Ghost.

Poliça loosely means “policy” in Polish although there is no “ç” in the Polish alphabet.

They have now recorded a new song with Justin Vernon, the leader of Bon Iver.

Listen how his voice blends beautifully with lead vocalist Channy Leaneagh in “Tiff”.

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